The Myriad Places and Peoples of Taliah
A map of the world of Taliah that lists the capitals and kingdoms.
“While the nation of roses may seem like a kingdom of sand, its lush, mountainous regions are home to all manner of fauna and flora that exist nowhere else in the world. It is here that Shehroz Kingdom is different from its northern neighbor, Procoline, a kingdom of iron, steel, and temperate climes.” - The Rise and Fall of Monarchies Volume III by Merri Pom
Taliah is a world full of different peoples and lands, owing its diversity to the varied geography and magicks populating the world. Whether its the Magick-led and steel reinforced Procoline Kingdom, the clan-based island Kingdom of Uchuu-Ain, or magickless peninsula nation of Na'aefume, Taliah reflects the tastes, passions, and motivations of its peoples.
There will be time enough to learn about all of the nations and places the world has to offer but there are two which play an important role in our tale: Procoline Kingdom and Shehroz Kingdom, two bickering sisters forever at odds with one another.
Procoline Kingdom is governed by Elemental Magick, producing and trading devices fueled by the elements. They are also the only nation with users of Spiritual Magick, though this strength is kept in check by their Emotional Magick wielding neighbors. Procoline is a temperate clime nation with rolling hills, large rivers that were at the heart of trade in its infancy, and mountain ranges to the east, west, and north. However, in recent years, hyper speed rail has connected the kingdom's distant locales, ferreting goods and people the space of hours or days, instead of the weeks of yesteryear.
At its heart is the capital city of Jaixia, a massive, modern city with skyscrapers, apartment buildings, and more. Other notable towns include Forsyth, Diadem, Madeline, Avery, and Laepro. Both the primary governmental buildings as well as the Jaixia Knight Division, the largest military in the world, call Jaixia home. It is also in Jaixia that our story beings. We will get to that soon enough.
In contrast, Shehroz Kingdom is partly desert, partly gorgeous mountains and lush jungles. South of Procoline, Shehroz is a peaceful kingdom, whose monarchy rules with open diplomacy and voting rights. It is called The Kingdom of Roses for its unassuming and beautiful ability to disarm its opponents with culture and civility. It also helps that they hold the most Emotional Magick wielders in the world, a fact that is not lost on its northern neighbor and frequent opponent in all arenas, save war, Procoline.
Shehroz also benefits from hyper speed rail, allowing companies in Procoline to build into their nation. Now they have the largest network in the world, with branches connecting the country to others both near and far. The capital of Cantolise sits in the heart of the desert atop the largest oasis in the world, enjoying both the natural hot springs and clean waters the city is known for. It is also here that the second largest banking institution in the world can be found. Other cities like Awash, Raefway, Millaboss, and Tar-tanna offer varied and exhilarating experience across the kingdom.
Though the governments of these two sister nations are at perpetual odds with one another, their peoples still love one another, though Shehrozans are discriminated against regularly in Procoline. Still, peoples pass freely between the two nations without much incident. The same can not always be said for other nations around the world, lands, for instance, like the Warukem Sovereignty, an ex-colony of Procoline that won its independence. Still, many more lands await, like The Confederation of Trade, an establishment of municipality for Procoline, Shehroz, Warukem, and Uchuu-Ain; Na'aefume, a nation that uses not magick but science to forge its future; and the Vinemount Provinces, a little populated land in the Deep South. Soon, there will be more to learn. For now, welcome to Taliah.